Thursday, June 24, 2010

interesting conversation

tonight I had an interesting conversation with a friend about the dark forces. my friend believes that 1) the Illuminati controls the weather. 2) they control popular media and in particular Lady Gaga. 3) they caused the BP oil spill to collapse the US economy and institute the Amero.

here are my thoughts

1) any human being with enough training can affect the weather without fancy technology like HAARP. Wilhelm Reich invented a device called the Cloudbuster, which can form and dissolve clouds, using very cheap materials. if we're good, we can do it with focused thought alone. water responds to thought energy, as Emoto and others and demonstrated. however, the weather is a self-regulating dynamic system so any force exerted on it will be temporary and tend to have "side effects." the weather is not a machine but an expression of the Life force of the planet, it will never react the same way twice.

2) of course the popular media is being controlled by the Elite (i.e. people with money), but that control can never be total, because humans are fickle. try as they might to fashion every taste we have through TV, movies, internet, and other artificial stimulus, it soon gets old and they have to come up with something new. as for Lady Gaga, i can't stand her music. good music will withstand the test of time, where as bad music becomes unfashionable rather quickly. Britney Spears, for example.

3) it is interesting that someone who's smart enough to control the economy would do something so silly and stupid. an oil spill on the scale of the recent BP incident negatively affects the entirety of life on the planet. ultimately, we're all responsible for supporting BP and other oil companies with our money and therefore supporting deep sea drilling. though it might be emotionally satisfying to point fingers at powers outside of our control, perhaps there are ways this incident will help bring people across the world together to deal with a common problem. perhaps this incident will spawn new awareness of the connectedness of all life on Earth, and that we shouldn't be poking holes and sucking out her insides.

human beings are capable of immense good and evil. collective thought is perhaps the most powerful force on the planet. the dark forces have always tried to control collective thought with religions, governments, and secret societies, but they aren't the only players on the board. Life evolves towards freedom, diversity, and harmony through cooperation, and every human being has Life flowing through them, including people under the influence of dark powers. i am reminded of the last scene in episode 6 of star wars, where Darth Vader saves his son by slaying the Sith lord and dies because of it.

we live in interesting times, my friends. let Life, that innermost spark of consciousness inside of you, guide you towards joy and fulfillment.

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